Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Emotion is defined as "feelings on the inside caused by pain or pleasure which moves people away from the will of God or move them towards the will of God". (Thanks to Uncle Cref for that magnificent definition of Emotion).

We are created by God with emotions. Yet, this emotion sometimes move us in an opposite direction, away from the perfect will of God. We are being harassed & conquered by the enemy, because we do not placed our emotions in the right direction. We put the blame on people & justify our negativism. And that is how deception starts which will eventually poison our way of thinking & lead us to spiritual destruction. An emotionally-ruled person will always make a bad decision. Hurting people will always hurt people. That's how dangerous we become when we dwell on the wrong side of emotion.

So how are we going to deal with this so called ungodly emotion? There is no other way but through the Word of God. When we say that we are living for the King then we should know how the King operates & live by His Kingdom principle.

The Bible is the operating manual in the Kingdom of God. Sometimes, our problem is not ignorance of the Word, it is rejection of the Word of God. We justify our selfishness & not taking account that we ourselves is the real problem. We want others to be always good at us, returning all the favor we have given. We are discouraged if we are not getting noticed because we believe ourselves that we deserve to be notice. We think we are the meekest, yet inwardly our fleshly emotion is longing to be appreciated & recognized.

Do not allow your emotions to dictate you but command your emotions to wholly submit to the Word of God. Emotions need to get in line with the Word of God, otherwise it will speak to you & move you towards the bondages of sin & guilt. The Bible tells us, "there is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit."(Romans 8:1)

Let our emotions know we are in control & not us being controlled by this deadly thing called negative emotion.

"During the days of Jesus life on earth, he offered up prayers & petitions with loud cries & tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission to the will of His Father."(Hebrews 5:7)

"Then He said to them, my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Going a little farther, He fell to His face to the ground & prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. YET NOT AS I WILL, BUT AS YOU WILL." (Matthew 26:38-39)

Jesus set an example on how to deal with negative emotions. First, it is submission to the will of the Father, regardless how we feel. Secondly, He move forward & pursued His divine calling. Third, he never allowed his emotions to deviate him from the will of God. Lastly, He spoke these words to His Father, saying "NOT MY WILL BUT LET YOUR WILL BE DONE."

1 comment:

ellen said...

ate, i just have to say, this entry is sooo well-written!

amen at amen! talaga nga pong if we can control our emotions, we can do absolutely anything! :)